The price of this program will rise to $350 on March 5th 2025!

Your wife treats you the way you deserve to be treated in bed, based on how you have presented yourself to her over the years.

Most men are in what I call the 'Vanilla nice guy' box in their wife's head.

This means she sees you as a guy who could only handle 5/10 on the craziness scale in bed, rather than 11/10 ‘Bad Boy’ like it should be.

You get into this position when you censor yourself and don't express your sexual nature authentically.

I avoid the 'vanilla nice guy' box in my wife's mind by sexualising her every single day and by fully and authentically expressing myself.

I used to be in this vanilla box years ago with an ex-girlfriend, and that's because I censored myself, thinking that my real interests and desires would push her away.

But it's the opposite.

Brutal honesty and self expression regarding your sexual nature is exactly what she wants.

Take your 'mask' off during sex so that she feels comfortable to take her 'mask' off as well.

All women wear a 'sexual mask' until they know that the man they are with 'just gets it' regarding sex.

Her mask can only come off when she knows that you are 10x the 'psycho' in bed that she is. Then she's safe to fully express herself without judgement, or without the risk of injury if you're incompetent in bed.

So these are guides you’ll get to turn yourself into a ‘Bad Boy’ and escape the ‘Vanilla Nice Guy Box’:

  1. Married Man’s Leverage - Become A World Builder

  2. How To Become A Truly ‘Arrogant Asshole’ And Turn Her On

  3. What ‘Dark Sex’ Is Really About And How To Use It To Keep Your Wife In Chase Mode

  4. How To Speak The Siren’s Language And Flirt With Her Effortlessly, And Why The World Builder Is So ‘Chill’ Around Women

  5. 24 Ways Men Destroy The Mystery Surrounding Themselves, Why This Is Terrible, And How To Fix It

  6. Which Type Of Asshole Are You With Women?

  7. How To Gain FULL Sexual Leverage As A Married Man

  8. Why Women Love ‘Sin’ And How It Helps Them Become Highly Sexual

  9. The Ultimate Guide To Being A Congruent Man

  10. Why Your Orgasm = Her Validation

  11. If She Can’t Picture You As A Post Apocalyptic Warlord, Her Attraction Won’t Last

  12. Become A Survival Asset, Program

  13. 20 Actions That Prevent Rough Sex From Happening

  14. How To Undomesticate Yourself As A Married Man

  15. Specific Ways To Be More Unpredictable As A Husband

  16. How To Make Your Wife Feel Naughty In General

  17. How To Be More Mysterious As A Husband

  18. How To Become The Stereotypical ‘Bad Bay’

  19. 30 Powerful Date Ideas To Spike Her Emotions

  20. How To Imply That You Have Lots Of Sexual Experience

  21. How To ‘Brainwash’ Her With Clothing

  22. How To Break Out Of The ‘Vanilla Nice Guy Box’

  23. How To Make Her ‘Your Slut’

  24. How To Comfort Her After Intense Sex

  25. How To Make Your Wife 100X More Girly

  26. The Power Of Nicknames During And After Sex

  27. 22 Powerful Affirmations To Have Your Wife Repeat During Sex

  28. 3 Ways To ‘Embarrass’ Your Wife During Sex

  29. How To Be More Persuasive With Your Actions

  30. Some More Ways To Inspire Her To Follow Your Lead

  31. How To Order Sex Toys Together With Your Wife

If you feel like your wife sees you as a ‘vanilla sex only’ kind of guy in the bedroom, applying the above guides will iron this out of her mind completely. Way too many married men are in this boat, don’t be another statistic.

Before You Start, Here's 3 Things You Should Know:

  1. This program is hosted in my Mighty Networks Private Community, which you can join anonymously. It can be accessed via a desktop or mobile website, and there is an app for this if you want it direct on your phone.

  2. There is no money back guarantee with this due to the difficultly in tracking and removing members from my Private Community after they join.

  3. You’re free to post any relevant questions you have underneath the guide they apply to within the Private Community, and I will get back to you ASAP, so you will not be left in the dark on anything.

You can get started HERE.